As a wholesale supplier, we understand that our customers prefer to market our products with their own brand. To do so is simple:
Part 3 of 3 in a Guest Blog Series
It’s your friendly Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse™, Deborah Corn, with some final insights on social media.
I talked in Part 1 about creating a community and the value of LinkedIn and Twitter. Part 2 touched on benefits of Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. In this final social media installment, I’ve saved the best for last. Drum roll, please…
This social media channel can propel you further and faster than the rest. It’s like the “picture is worth 1,000 words” saying on steroids. It’s YouTube.
Posting YouTube videos is the most valuable, literal way to show who you are and what you can do. Add a little humor and the “go viral” potential is there, but remember that “viral” is relevant to your social community. A few thousand views is nothing to Coca Cola, but to a small business that is not a bad ROI for creating some buzz for your biz and growing your reach and influence. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine after Google, so make sure you tag your videos and provide appropriate keywords in your description.
Socialize Now…
Don’t forget to network at #PrintChat on Twitter every Wednesday from 4-5PM ET—it’s where the print and integrated marketing community’s finest meet-up and tweet-up with an average of 1,000 tweets and 6 Million impressions per chat. Learn more at
Socialize Later…
Going to GRAPH EXPO Sept. 13–16, 2015? Meet-up/tweet-up at Print Media Centr's Show Floor Feature "The Printerverse" in booth 3867. Hope to see you in Chicago!
The print and integrated marketing community comes together annually on International Print Day to help Print Trend The Planet! This year #IPD15 is October 14, 2015 and starts in Australia 9AM their time (6PM our time Oct. 13) and runs until 5PM PT (8PM ET) in the U.S. on October 14. #IPD15 is 24 hours of open knowledge sharing, networking, and fun! Visit for more information about #IPD15.